符合美国窗帘制造商协会(WCMA)的新修订标准 Complying with the Revised WCMA Standard
新标准适用于所有有绳窗帘,包括现货和代客订制的产品。根据该标准所列,窗帘包括蜂窝帘 (cellular shades) 、百叶帘 (horizontal blinds)、百褶帘 (pleated shades)、卷帘 (roll-up blinds)、滚筒帘 (roller shades)、罗马帘 (Roman style shades)、横杆 (traverse rods) 和垂直帘 (vertical blinds)。2)我需要重新设计我的产品吗?
窗帘是否需要作出改动,要视乎其类型和产品特性。就卷帘而言,不一定需要完全重新设计,但需要加上合规的放绳装置。至于其他类型的窗帘,例如威尼斯帘 (Venetian blinds) ,蜂窝帘和滚筒帘,这些产品可能不用重新设计,但需要在某些方面作出调整。例如,使用回圈窗帘绳或珠链拉绳的窗帘产品,张紧装置 (tension device) 需要按要求作出修改。3)这只是业界标准,并不须强制遵守的吧?
EN 16434:2014
EN 13120:2009+A1:2014 百叶窗 - 性能和安全要求 Internal blinds – Performance requirements including safety.
EN 16433:2014 百叶窗 - 防缠绕风险 - 测试方法 Internal blinds – Protection from strangulation hazards - Test methods.
EN 16434:2014 百叶窗 - 防缠绕风险 - 安全设备要求和测试方法 Internal blinds – Protection from strangulation hazards – Requirements and Test methods for safety devices.
这三项标准由欧盟标准化协会“门、窗、百叶窗、建筑五金和幕 墙技术委员会”(CEN/TC 33)下的“百叶窗工作组”(WG 3)制定,不久将被欧盟官方公报引用。标准的制定过程参考了生产企业、测试实验 室以及由欧洲消费者标准化之声提名专家的意见,并且参照了澳大利亚、 加拿大、美国等地区的相关安全法规和标准的要求。符合这三个标准的产品将被认为符合欧盟《通用产品安全按指令》(2001/95/EC)的要求。
EN 13120:2009+A1:2014是对欧洲标准 EN 13120:2009 修订版。欧洲标准 EN 13120:2009 规定了安装在墙体内的百叶窗需要符合的安全要 求。与旧版相比,新版标准覆盖范围扩大,不仅适合于活动百叶窗、卷帘、垂直帘,而且适用于蜂巢帘、罗马帘、奥地利/带穗花缎百叶窗等产品。此外,新标准还针对危险拉绳扩大了“纺织缠绕风险”的条款。
EN 16433:2014 是新制定的标准,规定了“防止缠绕”的测试方法, 用于验证产品符合欧洲标准EN 13120中的相关条款。EN 16434:2014 则规定了百叶窗产品上安全设备的安全要求和测试方法。
BS 3415:1986 Specification for venetian blinds - 此标准以撤销
BS 5867:2008 关于窗帘及幕布等纺织品质量要求
标准要求每批货或每5000米样品必须抽取样品进行BS 5867要求项目测试。标准包括两部分内容。前处理要求:
对于任何适合水洗的面料必须在符合BS EN ISO 10528洗标程序下进行12次水洗前处理;判定要求:
BS 5867-2:2008对于不同的等级要求及使用场所给出TYPE A,TYPE B,TYPE C三种不同测试方法。三种测试方法基本一致,对应的点火时间分别是:加拿大
2014年2月,加拿大标准机构 CSA 的拉绳窗相关技术委员会将新CSA Z 600标准草案进行最后一轮投票,整个过程将持续30天。若通过,则拟于2014年8月正式发布,并成为拉绳窗进入加拿大的新的强制性标准。现行的CSA Z 600-08以ANSI/WCMA A100.1-2007为蓝本,而目前ANSI/WCMA A100.1-2007已修订了三轮,与CSA Z 600-08有了较大的不同,此次CSA Z 600 标准的修订草案基本以ANSI/WCMA A100.1-2012为蓝本。较之前的版本,CSA Z 600 标准的修订草案在测试要求和警告标识上有较大的不同,如危险绳圈测试;拉紧和控制装置的耐久性测试等。附录1:
FAQs - BS EN 13120
1) Where do the new rules apply?
Where internal blinds are installed in premises where children aged from 0 to 42 months are likely to have access or to be present. Examples are homes, hotels, hospitals, churches, shops, schools and general public places. The new standards also apply when the destination of the blind is unknown.2) Are there any exceptions?
It does not apply where internal blinds are installed in premises where children are unlikely to have access. Examples are factories, laboratories etc. in these cases specific labels must be use as notice of this.3) When does BS EN 13120:2009+A1:2014 come into effect?
When the BSI (Bristish Standards Institute) publish the document it is in the public domain and effective immediately. This was on the 28th February 2014.4) Is there a period of grace or lead in period?
Normally there is a lead in period in cases like these. However, BS EN 13120 will be monitored by UK Trading Standards. Advice from the Department for Business Innovation and Skills is “Although a six month lead in period is not written in stone it is what is generally accepted, and any action by Trading Standards will be proportionate” and from Trading Standards “whilst the group thought that a transitional period would be sensible it did not prescribe any duration for such a period.”5) Can I Use Evans Safety Devices with Other Blind Systems?
The simple answer is yes as they have passed EN 16434, however in order to comply with the Internal Blinds Performance Requirements they have only been tested as compatible with Evans Roman Headrails. Therefore it is the responsibility of anyone buying individual components from various suppliers to have their end product tested to BS EN 13120.6) Baton Type Systems – Can these be made compliant?
Yes. However as Evans are not supplying the baton and a multitude of products can be used to make the blind, we can’t test and certify our products. Therefore it is the responsibility of anyone buying individual components from various suppliers to have their end product tested to BS EN 13120.The basic rules apply, the cleat must be 150cms from the floor and accumulate all/most of the cord – only a single cord of no more than 20cms can hang below the cleat. Breakaway devices must also be used as per the section “Accessible Inner Cords” above. Also extra cord devices will be needed at the top of the blind to prevent the pull cord from creating a hazardous loop at the rear of the blind.
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