珠宝首饰品检测认证机构 Jewelry Testing

日期:2024-05-06 点击:395

首饰质量的好坏,直接关系到佩戴者的身心健康。许多国家都对首饰中相关的有害物质作出限制,以保护消费者的安全。PTS Testing Service精锐检测机构实验室有多年的首饰检测经验,检测服务快速、准确,为客户产品护航。

Whether the quality is good or not does direct effect on the health of the wearer. Many countries set limits on certain toxic substances contained in Jewelry alloy to keep the consumer safe. PTS Testing Service agency has years of experience in assaying jewelry. With fast test speed and high accuracy, we guard the products for our clients. 

检测项目 Testing Item

总铅、总镉  Total Lead, Total cadmium

镍含量、镍释放量 Total Nickel & Nickel Release Content

八种有害重金属溶出量 Soluble Heavy Metals

贵金属含量 Precious Metals Content

RoHS标准重金属含量 RoHS Regulated Heavy Metals

电镀层厚度 Metallic Coatings Thickness

物理机械性能 Physical and Mechanical Properties


Jewelry Performance of Anti Severe Environment, including but not limited to color fastness, salt spray resistance, anti-sulfide, ageing resistance, etc.

检测标准/法规  Testing Standards/Regulations

美国消费品安全修正法(CPSIA / H.R.4040)   US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (2008)

美国成人饰品标准 ASTM F2999      USA adult jewelry standard ASTM F2999

美国儿童饰品安全标准ASTM F2923    USA Children's Jewelry Safety Standard ASTM F2923

ASTM F963 和EN71-3 可溶性重金属限制要求  ASTM F963 and EN71-3 Migration of Certain Elements

美国加利福利亚州提案65   US California Proposition 65 

美国伊利诺斯州铅毒害防预法   US Illinois the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act

加拿大儿童首饰要求  Children’s Jewelry Regulations of Canada

欧盟镍释放指令94/27/EC和REACH法规附件XVII   European Nickel Release Directive 94/27/EC and REACH Annex XVII

中国饰品有害物质限量强制性标准GB 28480  China jewelry baneful elements standard GB 28480

精锐检测机构为全球各地的企业及跨境电商提供合规认证服务, 包括美国CPC认证, FCC认证, FDA注册, UL/CSA/ETL安规报告, 欧盟CE认证,CE-TOY, CE-EMC, CE-LVD, CE-RED,   英国UKCA认证, 加拿大CCPSA认证, 澳大利亚AS/NZS ISO 8124认证;EPR注册, 包装法注册,电池法注册,WEEE注册;RSL Report - Phthalates, SCCP, RoHS, REACH, CPSIA, Ca Prop 65, ASTM F963, EN71, SOR/2011-17, GB 6675, LFGB, FDA, POPs, TSCA, TPCH, PFAS, PAHs;REACH附录17Annex XVII of REACH - 铅镉含量, 镍释放, 甲醛. 偶氮AZO. 致癌致敏染料, 有机锡, 邻苯二甲酸盐, 重金属, 盐雾腐蚀, 高温老化, 成分分析。我们的服务范围包括玩具, 饰品, 手表, 眼镜, 皮革制品, 鞋类, 箱包, 手袋, 服饰, 纺织品, 家具, 灯具, 电子电器, 汽车零部件, 美容化妆品, 护理按摩产品, 成人情趣用品等日常消费类产品。合规认证检测业务联络:陈经理13602386325  杨姑娘18825841124