化学品是化妆产品在生产过程中必须使用到的,为了保护消费者的健康,某些物质被限制甚至禁止使用。PTS Testing Service精锐检测实验室配备了业内最先进的测试设备和专业仪器,可以根据法规对化妆产品中相关的有害物质进行符合性测试。
Chemical is necessary during production. In order to protect consumer’s health, some substance is prohibited. PTS Testing Service Lab is fitted up with most advanced testing equipment in this industry, provide the comprehensive chemical test on hazardous substance.美国FDA化妆品指令 USA FDA Cosmetic Standard
配方毒理评估 TRA on formulation Toxicological rlsk assessment
微生物测试 Microbial contamination
防腐剂功效 Preservative effectivenes
重金属铅/汞测试 Heavy metal contamination (Pb/Hg)
成份及包装标示评估 Ingredient and package label review
欧盟化妆品指令(EC)No 1223/2009 EU Cosmetic Standard(EC)No 1223/2009
化妆品安全报告 Cosmetic product safety report
微生物测试(欧洲药典/英国药典) Microbial contamination(Eup/BP)
抗菌防腐效用测试(欧洲药典/英国药典)Efficacy of antimicrobial preservation(Eup/BP)
重金属测试(铅,镉,汞,砷,锑,镍)Heavy metal contamination (Pb,Cd,Hg,As,Sb,Ni)
成份及包装标示评估 Ingredient and package label review甲醛含量 Formaldehyde content
26种过敏性香料 26 allergenous fragrances
MSDS 产品安全技术说明书