由食品容器、包装材料、餐厨具等食品接触材料中释放的有害元素、有害物质已经成为食品污染的重要来源之一。世界各国特别是美国、欧盟、日本等发达国家都制定了相关的法规或标准,禁止销售含有有害物质的该类材料或产品。PTS Testing Service精锐检测机构技术实验室为客户提供咨询与检测服务,消除各地的贸易技术壁垒。
Toxic elements and toxic substances release from food contact containers, package material and cookware have become the main source of food contamination. Developed countries,USA, EU and Japan etc, draw up related regulations or standards to forbid selling materials or products containing toxic substances. PTS Testing Service agency provides clients with consultation and testing service to eliminate the Technical Barriers to Trade of areas.检测范围 Testing scope
玻璃/陶瓷制品 Glass/Ceramics Ware
搪瓷 Porcelain Enamel
塑料餐具 Plastic Tableware
银制餐具 Silver Tableware
仿瓷 Melamine Resin Tableware
木质餐具 Wooden Tableware
环保餐具 Disposable Tableware
纸和纸板制品 Paper & Paperboard Product金属餐具 Metal Tableware
检测项目 Testing Items
日用陶瓷器铅和镉的释出量检测 Lead and Cadmium Release Content in Daily Ceramics
总铅和总镉含量检测 Total Lead and Cadmium Content in Decorative Materials
塑料材料单体残留检测 Residual Resin Monomer in Plastic Materials
塑料材料中邻苯二甲酸酯、双酚A含量检测 Phthalates and Bisphenol A (BPA) Content in Plastic Materials
与食物接触陶瓷器具的吸水性检测 Water Absorption Performance of Food Contact Ceramic ware抗冷热冲击性能检测 Thermal Shock Performance
容器把手持力检测 Handle Strength Performance
餐具的洗涤检测 Tableware Machine Washing Performance玻璃/陶瓷手洗检测 Glass/Ceramics Hand Wash Performance
检测标准/法规 Test Standards/Regulations
美国食品药品管理局条例FDA 21CFR系列 US Food and Drug Administration Regulations FDA 21 CFR Series
美国加州餐具安全要求Ca Prop 65 US FDA California Proposition 65
英国陶瓷制品重金属溶出测试标准BS 6748 British Standard BS 6748 Specification for Limits of Release from Ceramic Ware
德国LFGB/澳洲食品和药品标准 Germany LFGB/Australia Food and Drug Standards
欧盟与食品接触物质的指令2004/1935/EC EU Directive 2004/1935/EC Regulation on Materials and Articles Intended to Come into Contact with Food欧盟与食品接触陶瓷制品铅、镉允许溶出量指令84/500/EEC EU Directive 84/500/EEC Ceramic Articles Intended to Come into Contact with Foodstuffs
中国食品接触材料安全标准 GB4806系列
精锐检测机构为全球各地的企业及跨境电商提供合规认证服务, 包括美国CPC认证, FCC认证, FDA注册, UL/CSA/ETL安规报告, 欧盟CE认证,CE-TOY, CE-EMC, CE-LVD, CE-RED, 英国UKCA认证, 加拿大CCPSA认证, 澳大利亚AS/NZS ISO 8124认证;EPR注册, 包装法注册,电池法注册,WEEE注册;RSL Report - Phthalates, SCCP, RoHS, REACH, CPSIA, Ca Prop 65, ASTM F963, EN71, SOR/2011-17, GB 6675, LFGB, FDA, POPs, TSCA, TPCH, PFAS, PAHs;REACH附录17Annex XVII of REACH - 铅镉含量, 镍释放, 甲醛. 偶氮AZO. 致癌致敏染料, 有机锡, 邻苯二甲酸盐, 重金属, 盐雾腐蚀, 高温老化, 成分分析。我们的服务范围包括玩具, 饰品, 手表, 眼镜, 皮革制品, 鞋类, 箱包, 手袋, 服饰, 纺织品, 家具, 灯具, 电子电器, 汽车零部件, 美容化妆品, 护理按摩产品, 成人情趣用品等日常消费类产品。合规认证检测业务联络:陈经理13602386325 杨姑娘18825841124