PPE指令 防护面罩和社交用口罩标准测试方法

日期:2023-12-20 点击:608

AATCC M14-2020 Guidance and Considerations for General Purpose Textile Face Coverings: Adult一般用途织物口罩指南和注意事项:成人

AATCC LP1水洗预处理(一次水洗循环)Washing pretreatment (per cycle) 
AATCC M14-2020 section 14标识Product Labelling and Marking
AATCC M14-2020 section 15使用说明标识User Instruction Labelling
ASTM F2299face velocity:10.4cm/s, particle size of 3 microns颗粒物过滤效率(洗前+多次洗后)Particle Filtration Efficiency(As received + after cleaning cycles)
EN ISO 9237, Pressure 100Pa透气性(洗前+多次洗后)Air Permeability(As received + after cleaning cycles)
Ref. ASTM D4964*Width>=1" :10lbf(44.5N)*1">width>1/2": 5lbf(22.3N)=<1/2"width: 2lbf(8.93N)头带和耳带弹性回复(如适用)(洗前+多次洗后)Elastic Recovery for elastic ties and ear loop (if applicable) (As received + after cleaning cycles)
Ref. ASTM D5034头带和耳带拉力(洗前+多次洗后)Attachment Strength of Tie and Ear Loop(As received + after cleaning cycles)
US: 16 CFR 300/303/423; 19 CFR 134Canada: Textle labelling act(R.S.C,1985,c.T-10) & Textile labelling and advertising regulaitons(C.R.C,c.1551)标签审核Main label review(包括纺织品标签通用信息:成分标签、洗护标签、原产国、制造商)
US: AATCC 20/20A &16 CFR 300/303; Canada: CAN/CGSB-4.2 No.14 & Textile labelling and advertising regulaitons(C.R.C,c.1551)成分分析及验证Fibre analysis & verification
US:16 CFR 1610; Canada: SOR/2016-194燃烧性能Flammability

ASTM F3502-2021 Standard Specification for Barrier Face Coverings阻隔面罩的标准规范

16 CFR 1610燃烧性能Flammability
AATCC水洗预处理(一次水洗循环)Washing pretreatment (per cycle) 
ASTM F3502 section 10标识要求Labelling Requirements
ASTM F3502 section 11使用说明User Instructions
ASTM F3502 section 8.1亚微粒过滤效率 (洗前+多次洗后)Sub-Micron Particulate Filtration Efficiency(As received + after cleaning cycles)
ASTM F3502 section 8.2气流阻力(吸气)(洗前+多次洗后)Airflow Resistance (inhalation)(As received + after cleaning cycles)
ASTM F3502 section 8.3泄露性评定(洗前+多次洗后)Leakage Assessment(As received + after cleaning cycles)
ASTM F3502:2021设计要求Design RequirementsVisual inspection (Excluding 5.4 Leakage & 5.1.3 Flammability)

BSI Flex 5555 V2.1:2021-04 Community Face Coverings- Specification社交用面罩规范

BS EN 13274-3 Clause 6: method 1, flow rate: 95L/min呼吸阻力Breathing Resistance
BS EN 14683 Annex C通气压差Differential Pressure
BS EN ISO 6330清洗(每洗一次后评定)Cleaning(accessment after each cleaning cycle)
BS EN ISO 6330水洗预处理(一次水洗循环)(针对可水洗口罩)Washing pretreatment (per cycle) (applicable for reusable product)
BSI Flex 5555 Clause 6.2 & 6.3紧固件(洗前+多次洗后)Fastenings(As received + after cleaning cycles)
BSI Flex 5555 V2.1:2021-04 Clause 6.2部件做工(洗前+多次洗后)Surface condition of the parts(As received + after cleaning cycles)
BSI Flex 5555 V2.1:2021-04 Clause 7.1标识Labelling
BSI Flex 5555 V2.1:2021-04 Clause 7.2使用说明Instructions for use
EN 13274-7 Clause 6 Sodium chloride test method, Flow rate: 95 l/min过滤效率(洗前+多次洗后)Filtration efficiency of material(As received + after cleaning cycles)
EN 14683 Annex B细菌过滤效率 Bacterial filtration efficiency(BFE)
Visual and manual inspection包装要求Packaging
Visual and manual inspection材料要求Material
Visual and manual inspection尺寸/尺码Dimensions/Sizing 
Visual and manual inspection通用要求General
Visual and manual inspection筒状面罩(如适用)Tubular Community Face Coverings (if applicable)

CWA 17553:2020 Community Face Coverings- Guide to Minimum Requirements, Methods of Testing and Use(CEN workshop agreement) 社交口罩指南-最低要求、测试方法和使用

CWA 17553:2020 Clause 6.3 & Visual Inspection头带(洗前+多次洗后)Head harness strength test(As received + after cleaning cycles)
CWA 17553:2020 Clause 7.1标识Marking
CWA 17553:2020 Clause 7.2使用说明Instructions for use
EN 13274-7 & CWA 17553 Annex D, particle size of 3 microns过滤效率(洗前+多次洗后)Filtration efficiency of material(As received + after cleaning cycles)
EN 14683:2019+AC:2019 Annex B过滤效率(洗前+多次洗后)Filtration efficiency of material(As received + after cleaning cycles)
EN ISO 6330水洗预处理(一次水洗循环)(针对可水洗口罩)Washing pretreatment (per cycle) (applicable for reusable product)
EN ISO 9237通气阻力Breathing Resistance and Air Permeability
Visual Inspection包装要求Packaging
Visual Inspection部件做工(洗前+多次洗后)Surface condition of the parts(As received + after cleaning cycles)
Visual Inspection材料要求(洗前+多次洗后)Material(As received + after cleaning cycles)
Visual Inspection外观检查(洗前+多次洗后)Visual Inspection(As received + after cleaning cycles)

GB 2626-2019 Respiratory protectiopn-Non-powered air-purifying particle respirator呼吸防护 自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器 产品类别:KN90, KN95, KN100; KP90, KP95, KP100

GB 2626-2019 条款6.1 & 6.16制造商应提供的信息User instruction
GB 2626-2019 条款6.1 & 6.2外观检查 (不含标识)Appearance inspection(except label review)
GB 2626-2019 条款6.10视野Field of vision
GB 2626-2019 条款6.11随弃式面罩:10N,持续10s; 可更换式面罩:50N,持续10s; 全面罩:150N,持续10s;头带Head band
GB 2626-2019 条款6.12可更换式面罩:50N,持续10s; 全面罩:250N,持续10s;连接和连接部件 (不考核随弃式面罩)Connection components(exclude disposable facepiece)
GB 2626-2019 条款6.13, 6.14, 6.1 & 6.16镜片(仅针对全面罩)Glass test (only for full facepiece)
GB 2626-2019 条款6.14气密性(仅针对全面罩)Face-seal test (only for full facepiece)
GB 2626-2019 条款6.15可燃性(产品设计为阻燃)Burning behaviour
GB 2626-2019 条款6.16实用性能Practical performance
GB 2626-2019 条款6.1产品标识Labelling and marking
GB 2626-2019 条款6.3流量85+/-4L/min((多个过滤元件流量均分)过滤效率-氯化钠颗粒物检测Filtration efficiency
GB 2626-2019 条款6.3流量85+/-4L/min((多个过滤元件流量均分)过滤效率-油类颗粒物检测Filtration efficiency
GB 2626-2019 条款6.4 或 6.2.3.、6.3、6.4 & 6.5(如果适用)清洗和消毒Cleaning and disinfecting
GB 2626-2019 条款6.4泄漏性Leakage
GB 2626-2019 条款6.5吸气阻力Inhalation resistance
GB 2626-2019 条款6.6呼气阻力Exhalation resistance
GB 2626-2019 条款6.7呼气阀气密性(只检测半面罩)Exhalation valve face-seal test (only for half facepiece)
GB 2626-2019 条款6.8随弃式面罩:10N,持续10s; 可更换式面罩:50N,持续10s; 呼气阀盖Exhalation valve attachment strength
GB 2626-2019 条款6.9死腔Dead space

GB/T 32610-2016 Technical specification of daily protective mask日常防护型口罩技术规范

GB 15979微生物指标Microorganism test
GB 2890—2009 条款6.8口罩下方视野Field of view
GB/T 14233.1—2008 第9章环氧乙烷残留量(适用经环氧乙烷灭菌的口罩)Ethylene oxide content (only for sterile mask with ethylene oxide treatment)
GB/T 17592、GB/T 23344可分解致癌芳香胺染料Azo dyes
GB/T 2912.1甲醛含量Formaldehyde content
GB/T 29865 耐摩擦色牢度Colourfastness to rubbing
GB/T 32610-2016 附录A过滤效率-盐性介质+油性介质Filtration efficiency
GB/T 32610-2016 附录B防护效果 Protective property
GB/T 32610-2016 条款6.10呼气阀盖牢度Exhalation valve attachment strength
GB/T 32610-2016 条款6.1外观Appearance requirement
GB/T 32610-2016 条款6.7吸气阻力Inhalation resistance
GB/T 32610-2016 条款6.8呼气阻力Exhalation resistance
GB/T 32610-2016 条款6.9口罩带及口罩带与口罩体的连接处断裂能力Face mask band tensile strength
GB/T 32610-2016 条款8.1 & 8.2包装和标识Packaging and Labelling
GB/T 7573pH值pH value

GB/T 38880-2020 Technical specification of children mask儿童口罩技术规范

FZ/T 01137可迁移性荧光增白物Fluorescent brighteners

GB 15979—2002 附录B微生物指标Microorganism test
GB/T 14233.1—2008 第9章环氧乙烷残留量Ethylene oxide content
GB/T 17592、GB/T 23344可分解致癌芳香胺染料Azo dyes
GB/T 2912.1甲醛含量Formaldehyde content
GB/T 29865 耐干摩擦色牢度Colourfastness to dry rubbing
GB/T 31702—2015尖端和边缘锐利性sharp point & sharp edge
GB/T 32610-2016 附录B防护效果 (针对儿童防护口罩)Protective property( for children protective mask)
GB/T 32610—2016 条款6.10呼吸阀盖牢度(仅考核有呼吸阀的口罩)Exhalation valve attachment strength
GB/T 32610-2016 条款6.7,测试流量45+/-2L/min吸气阻力(针对儿童防护口罩)Inhalation resistance ( for children protective mask)
GB/T 32610-2016 条款6.8,测试流量45+/-2L/min呼气阻力(针对儿童防护口罩)Exhalation resistance ( for children protective mask)
GB/T 32610-2016 条款6.9口罩带及口罩带与口罩体的连接处断裂能力Face mask band tensile strength
GB/T 38880-2020 条款6.14.2通气阻力(儿童卫生口罩)Airflow pressure (for children hygiene mask)
GB/T 38880-2020 条款6.1外观Appearance requirement
GB/T 38880-2020 条款6.8鼻夹长度(仅考核有鼻夹的口罩)Nose bar length
GB/T 38880-2020 条款6.9鼻夹耐折性(仅考核有鼻夹的口罩)Nose bar flexing
GB/T 38880-2020 条款8.1 & 8.2 & 8.3包装、标识和安全警示Packaging、labelling and warning
GB/T 7573pH值pH value
YY 0469—2011 附录B细菌过滤效率(儿童卫生口罩)Bacterial filtering effıciency (for children hygiene mask)
YY 0469—2011 条款5.8阻燃性能Burning behaviou
儿童防护口罩:GB/T 32610-2016 附录A,NaCl颗粒物介质儿童卫生口罩:YY 0469—2011 条款5.6.2颗粒物过滤效率Filtration efficiency

Respiratory Protective Devices — Filtering Half Masks to Protect against Particles — Requirements, Testing, Marking (Classification: FFP1, FFP2, FFP3) 呼吸防护器防颗粒吸入的过滤半罩式面罩 要求,测试,标识 (产品等级:FFP1, FFP2, FFP3)

EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.11,NaCl, 流量95L/min非油性过滤物穿透效率Penetration of filter material-sodium chloride test
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.11,石蜡油, 流量95L/min 油性过滤物穿透效率 Penetration of filter material-Paraffin oil test
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.2 & 8.9.1 & 8.3.4 & 8.8呼吸阀 (带有呼吸阀的口罩) Exhalation valves(s)(for mask with exhalation valves)
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.2 包装要求 (带实际包装的成品)Packaging(packaged mask submission)
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.2 部件做工 Finish of parts
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.2 材料要求Material
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.2 可拆卸部件 Demountable parts
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.4 & 8.5 & 8.11清洁消毒后(仅测多次使用口罩,提供产品清洁消毒说明)Cleaning and disinfecting( for re-usable mask, cleaning and disinfecting procedure specified by manufacturer)
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.4 & 8.5 皮肤刺激性 Compatibility with skin
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.4 & 8.5头带 Head harness
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.4 视野 Field of vision
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.4实际性能 Practical performance
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.5总内漏 Total inward leakage
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.6阻燃 Flammability
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.7吸入空气中的二氧化碳含量/死腔Carbon dioxide content of the inhalation air
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.9 & 8.10 容尘性能 (随弃式,选做;多次使用口罩,必测) Clogging(mandatory for re-usable devices, optional for single shift use devices)
EN 149:2001+A1:2009条款 8.9呼吸阻力 Breathing resistance

Respiratory Protective Devices — Half Masks and Quarter masks-Requirements, Testing, Marking呼吸防护装置.半面罩和四分之一面罩.要求,试验,标记

EN 140:1998 条款 7.11吸入空气中的二氧化碳含量/死腔Carbon dioxide content of the inhalation air
EN 140:1998 条款 7.15呼吸阻力 Breathing resistance
EN 140:1998 条款 7.3 & 7.5阻燃 Flammability
EN 140:1998 条款 7.3可拆卸部件Demountable Parts
EN 140:1998 条款 7.3可替换组件Replaceable Components

T/CNTAC 55-2020 Civil sanitary mask民用卫生口罩

GB 15979—2002 附录B微生物指标Microorganism test
GB/T 14233.1—2008 第9章环氧乙烷残留量(适用经环氧乙烷灭菌的口罩)Ethylene oxide content (only for sterile mask with ethylene oxide treatment)
GB/T 17592、GB/T 23344可分解致癌芳香胺染料Azo dyes
GB/T 2912.1甲醛含量Formaldehyde content
GB/T 29865 耐干摩擦色牢度(仅测染色口罩)Colourfastness to dry rubbing
GB/T 7573pH值pH value
T/CNTAC 55-2020 条款6.1外观Appearance requirement
T/CNTAC 55-2020 条款6.2鼻夹长度(仅考核有鼻夹的口罩)Nose bar length
T/CNTAC 55-2020 条款6.3口罩带及口罩带与口罩体的连接处断裂能力Face mask band tensile strength
T/CNTAC 55-2020 条款8.1 & 8.2标识和包装Labelling and packaging
YY 0469-2011 条款5.6.2颗粒物过滤效率(非油性)Filtration efficiency (PFE)
YY 0469-2011 条款5.6.2通气阻力Airflow pressure
YY 0469-2011 条款5.8阻燃性能(儿童口罩)Burning behaviou (Children mmask)
YY 0469-2011 附录B细菌过滤效率Bacterial filtering effıciency(BFE)

T/CTCA 7-2019 Ordinary protective mask普通防护口罩

GB 15979—2002 附录B微生物指标Microorganism test
GB 2890—2009 条款6.8口罩下方视野Field of view
GB/T 14233.1—2008 第9章环氧乙烷残留量(仅测声称或明示环氧乙烷灭菌的口罩)Ethylene oxide content (only for sterile mask with ethylene oxide treatment)
GB/T 17593.2—2007重金属含量Heavy metal
GB/T 2912.1甲醛含量Formaldehyde content
GB/T 7573pH值pH value
T/CTCA 7-2019 条款6.1外观Appearance requirement
T/CTCA 7-2019 条款8包装、标识Packaging and labelling 
YY 0469-2011 条款5.4口罩带及口罩带与口罩体的连接处断裂能力Face mask band tensile strength
YY 0469-2011 条款5.6.2颗粒物过滤效率-盐性Filtration efficiency (PFE)
YY 0469-2011 条款5.6.2通气阻力Airflow pressure
YY 0469-2011 附录B细菌过滤效率Bacterial filtering effıciency(BFE)

T/ZFB 0004-2020 Children mask儿童口罩

GB 15979—2002 附录B微生物指标Microorganism test
GB 18401异味Odour
GB 31701附件锐利性sharp point & sharp edge
GB/T 14233.1—2008 第9章环氧乙烷残留量Ethylene oxide content
GB/T 17592、GB/T 23344可分解致癌芳香胺染料Azo dyes
GB/T 2910, FZ/T 01057, FZ/T 01095纤维含量Fiber content
GB/T 2912.1甲醛含量Formaldehyde content
GB/T 29865 耐干摩擦色牢度Colourfastness to dry rubbing
GB/T 32610-2016 附录A流量:30+/-2L/min颗粒物过滤效率-盐性介质Filtration efficiency(PFE)
GB/T 7573pH值pH value
T/ZFB 0004-2020 条款8.1 & 8.2标识和包装Labelling and packaging
T/ZFB 0004-2020 条款5.1基本要求General requirement
T/ZFB 0004-2020 条款6.1 & 6.2外观Appearance requirement
T/ZFB 0004-2020 条款6.17实用性能Practical performance
YY 0469-2011 条款5.3.2鼻夹长度Nose bar length
YY/T 0969-2013 条款5.4.2单根口罩带与口罩体连接处断裂能力Face mask band tensile strength
YY/T 0969-2013 条款5.6通气阻力Airflow pressure
呼气阀盖牢度Exhalation valve attachment strength 

PTS Testing Service 精锐检测机构为全球各地的企业及跨境电商提供第三方合规认证检测服务, 包括美国CPC认证, FCC认证, 欧盟CE认证,  英国UKCA认证, 加拿大CCPSA认证, 澳大利亚AS/NZS ISO 8124认证, RSL Report - Phthalates, SCCP, RoHS, REACH, CPSIA, Ca Prop 65, ASTM F963, EN71, SOR/2011-17, GB 6675, LFGB, FDA, POPs, TSCA, TPCH, PFAS, PAHs, REACH附录17Annex XVII of REACH - 铅镉含量, 镍释放, 甲醛. 偶氮AZO. 致癌致敏染料, 有机锡, 邻苯二甲酸盐, 重金属, 盐雾腐蚀, 高温老化, 成分分析。我们的服务范围包括玩具, 饰品, 手表, 眼镜, 皮革制品, 鞋类, 箱包, 手袋, 服饰, 纺织品, 家具, 灯具, 电子电器, 汽车零部件, 美容化妆品, 护理按摩产品, 成人情趣用品等日常消费类产品。